
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Welcome into my life, YSL Arty

I have wanted one of these beautiful rings for so, so long now.

After telling my sister about them recently, I went onto Net-a-Porter to admire some of the other rings as these had been out of stock for some time. But HEY! There they were - a whole ton of YSL rings back in stock.

I had it in my head that they cost a lot more than they do, so when I realised they were priced at £115 (devoting my weekends to work is finally paying off) I put my order in straight away.

Something tells me I'll be attempting to wear this with every possible outfit...

Post Title Welcome into my life, YSL Arty


Imitating Beauty

This has to be the most blatant copy of the amazing S/S '10 Miu Miu platforms I have seen yet, on the high street courtesy of River Island for 54.99.

When I first saw them I got a little overexcited, but when I calmed down a bit I realised that they are classic 'River Island' style and don't even compare to the authentic Miu Miu's. Maybe this is partly brand loyalty, and partly to do with the fact that I wouldn't like to risk any disrespect for wearing copies aka fakes...

I'd much rather wear any pair of these, please.

Post Title Imitating Beauty


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Find Your Roots

Because I'm sick of certain people making digs about the fact I'm letting my colour grow out.

I'm not the only one (see below) and I've had compliments for it so SHH...

Post Title Find Your Roots

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