
Monday, February 23, 2009

Roksanda Ilincic - London Fashion Week

I got myself into another show!

I do love a bit of 'important people' spotting, and fashion week is always was the perfect place, although most editors only really have one little picture in their magazines for me to go from.
Spot Jane Bruton of Grazia sat opposite in the pink scarf, and Hilary Alexander with the shiny brunette bob appearing in most of my pictures haha
I was sat next to Susie Bubble, but didn't really dare say anything to anyone, so I just took lots of pictures.
I willl be on the front row one day my sweets...

Here are the pretty bad pictures I took - (note to self: invest in new camera that doesnt pause for 5 years before letting you take another snap)

Some very beautiful dresses. I really love the fur coat with the bow tied around the waist. The puffy sleeve detail on some of the garments reminds me a bit too much of last season Dolce & Gabbana though...

Post Title Roksanda Ilincic - London Fashion Week


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Round Up #1 - Go Grunge?

The gloomy economic climate has certainly been reflected in the latest Autumn/Winter '09 collections. Gothic and grunge seems to be the big 'trend' to invest in, going from New York Fashion Week and the latest from the London shows. It seems Ioannisdimitrousis definitely knows what he's doing.
I've collected some pictures from that I think best reflect this fashion mood

Max Azria, Marc Jacobs & Rodarte.

Betsey Johnson left & right, Vivienne Westwood Red Label centre.

Charlotte Ronson, Herve Leger by Max Azria & Preen.

Topshop Unique left & right, Diesel Black Gold centre.

Marc by Marc Jacobs, Diane Von Furstenburg & Rodarte.

Apologies for the quality of the pictures! My Adobe software has completely died on me, so this is courtesy of Paint... and Blogger uploading my images too small.

Post Title Round Up #1 - Go Grunge?


London Fashion Week...

Yesterday, I was given the chance to help out backstage for the Ioannisdimitrousis Vauxhall Fashion Scout show. Katy Lassen - the fashion editor of Let Them Eat Cake - was styling the show, and my friend who interns for her asked for the help of my friends and I to dress the models. It was my first backstage experience, and I was a total bag of nerves when I got there, but all was fine; the clothes were fabulous (tricky, but fabulous) and everyone was really friendly. I did feel a bit sorry for some of the models - particularly those who had to wear the garments made entirely of needles, but it all made for a great end result. There was a lot of standing around, and the show started an hour late, but that's the world of fashion I guess.
Here are some of the pictures I sneaked.

It was all about the chains, needles and fine knits at this show. The dresses in this last image kind of remind me of Rodarte. There are plenty of beautiful dresses here that I would definitely wear if I had a models figure, along with the bravery to wear nipple bearing dresses...

Thanks for reading, will be posting much more this week! Promises...

Post Title London Fashion Week...


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Miuccia, I love you so..

Prada pre-fall '09

Post Title Miuccia, I love you so..


Friday, February 6, 2009


So, I'm feeling really uninspired right now. I'm looking forward to the fashion weeks ahead , just so that I can obsess over and actually have something to write about...
I'm also finding it SO immensely difficult to secure myself an internship at a magazine over the summer... I have 3 months to give, I have e-mailed magazines I don't even read, several times over, and applied to some in writing also, but nothing! I know this industry in competitive but geez =/ I just want a placement so bad!
I know a lot of people who seem to have gotten PR internships fairly hassle free, so maybe I'll do that this summer if nothing else comes up. I check related threads on The Fashion Spot religiously, but most of them relate to New York-ers, as do the wesbites that advertise internships... does anyone know where I can find advertised internships in London? I'm yet to discover this source.
Sorry for the dull post, but I need advice! And uni has been shut alllll week due to the snow, and I'm just so immensely bored of not having anything to do/look forward to...
Promise to post something interesting in the next few days :) I'm working on it.

Post Title Boredom


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Look Fashion Swap - Freezing Toes

So, last Saturday a friend and I dropped off around 10 items off clothing/footwear that we no longer wanted. We gave some really nice stuff in, still in good condition. Basically, I could have sold it all on eBay and made around £50 for the lot...

Yesterday (and today) is when you go to the boutique on Broadwick Street, armed with the points you recieved based on what you gave in. I don't know why, but we never imagined there would be a queuing system, so that the store didn't get crammed and rowdy. There was. It was long. We queued for 1.5hours, until we were on the verge of tears with no feeling left in our toes, (as i say we were no prepared for this, so didnt dress appropriately to stand practically still for this amount of time on a very cold winters day).

When we finally were let into the store - it was a one-in-one-out system - we actually smiled/laughed/squeeled with joy using all the energy we had left in our bodies and scuffled into the store, which we imagined would be heated and heavenly. Not quite. We also expected to get armfuls of fabulous things in return that just weren't right for the previous owners anymore.
Again, disappointment. Imagine all the stuff in your mums closet that she's just kept hold of since the 90's but hasnt worn in over a decade. I think a lot of mums decided it was time for a clear out, and they chose the Look Fashion Swap as their location.

To sum up: I stood for 1.5 hours on a cold winters day dressed inappropriately, gave in really nice clothes that I could have many money from, only to find there was nothing even worth taking, as id just be armed with more stuff I'd never wear, and my clear out would have been pointless.

Moral of the story?

Never again. Next time, (NEXT TIME?!), I will stick with Oxfam/eBay.

Of course, while in London, we needed a little pick-me-up after this traumatic experience. Where better to go to Hummingbird Bakery in South Kensington? Although it was so busy that we were queuing outside, in the cold, again. This time it was worth it though...

I may have started off with three...

Post Title Look Fashion Swap - Freezing Toes

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